I think it's all over. I'm hoping I never have to live through another month like it. Here's the first update:
Jackson had his school Christmas program. I was so proud of my "star". I love that he goes to a Christian based school and so they actually call it their Christmas program, not Winter or Holiday program.

Looking back it was my favorite event of December.
We went to Utah for two reasons - 1) Kenny's wedding in Rexburg, ID and 2) The kids hadn't seen Jason in 7 months.
So we spent a weekend in Idaho for Kenny's wedding which was accompanied with mucho snow, actually blizzard conditions.

I was able to go inside the temple for the sealing while Jason watched the kids. I was surprised by the temple's size - it was HUGE!

I would love to go back there but it would have to be in the middle of summer.
The rest of the week the kids were able to bond with Jason. We went to the Dinosaur Museum, Jump On It, Temple Square, Ice Skating, Sledding ...the kids had a blast!

We also got to spend an evening with our friends the White's.

And oddly enough, while in Temple Square I ran into my friend, Ashli, who I knew from Florida and she's now living in Wisconsin but she was visiting family.

And at the same time I ran into my best friend, Jami's, family. CRAZY!
Of course, there are many friends I wish I had more time to see but I'm sure we'll visit Utah again next year and this time I will definitely rent a car.