Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Halloween 2007

Right before the Land O Lakes Rec party.

Although, he never wore Buzz Light Year to an actual party - Jackson loves wearing it everywhere else.

Lilly/Tinkerbell, and Jackson/Superman (with black hair) before Sarah's party.

Sarah's Party.

Jackson at school with teacher, Ms. Brenda.

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Halloween 2007

I am so over Halloween this year. One more year till next is not long enough away. Jackson dressed up and attended five Halloween functions and Lilly one less than that. We went to a community festival, our branch's trunk or treat, YMCA preschool party, Sarah's kid party, and of course, Halloween night. I am Halloween-ed out. Not to mention Halloween has been over for 2 weeks and Jackson still has to dress up in one of his many costumes (Buzz Light Year, SpiderMan, SuperMan or Batman). I have even given in and let him wear whatever costume he's in to go to the's not worth a battle, as long as he's wearing shoes with it, who really cares.?. So here are some pictures of the times we got dresses up this year, this is our HALLOWEEN 2007. (I'm only missing pictures from Trunk or Treat - Lilly was a pumpkin and Jackso, of course, was Superman, again.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

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First day of preschool

So I sent my firstborn to preschool at the young age of 2 (he'll be 3 in November). I thought it was going to be a lot harder but it was easy peasy. We all were dressed and fed and out the door by 8:40, which in itself is a miracle. I walked him into his class and he didn't even look back. He saw they were playing with Play-doh and he completely forgot about me. I said "I love you, bye!" and kissed him on the head.
So then I ran all my errands I thought would take me the whole 3 hours but after 45 minutes I was done. It's amazing all the places you can go with ease when you only have one child that you get in and out of the car, especially when that child is 16 lbs and doesn't say much.
I think I'm really going to enjoy this preschool thing. I know Lilly likes it. After I ran my errands Lilly and I went home and I gave her my full attention for awhile and she was glowing. I think part of it, too, was that noone was grabbing toys out of her hand ...but in this picture it looks like Zazsue might start giving her some trouble.

Friday, March 2, 2007


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