A week ago these guys showed up on our block.
I thought they were just passing through but they have been out every day since they showed up and I think they're going to be here a while. Especially since our whole block takes turns feeding them throughout one day. I have been taking the kids out after dinner and they love it. After our bread is gone, Jackson likes to chase all the ducks away but one, usually the smallest, and asks if we can keep it, and then he cries when it runs to catch up with the rest of the group. This is him trying to coax the duck back.
But they're long gone and Jackson knows he can try again tommorrow and convince the "baby" duck he wants to live with us. So as we're walking back in the house we then have to watch our step so we don't step in this....
or this....
or this....
I know's its gruesome I just wanted to paint the whole picture.
It's a fun little ritual we have going on - I'm curious to how long they will be here, if they're just "summer birds" or what. Speaking of ducks, how cute is this one?
What is Jackson wearing? It looks like he is straight out of a Lord of the Rings movie. I love it. I think the ducks in your neighborhood are cute but I must say, I think the one at the bottom of your post is by far the cutest!
Yeah, I forgot to mention the "superman" cape Jackson has been wearing everyday and every night. It does make him look like Frodo, though.
Those pictures look humid. I am glad I am not there right now.
I do wonder how long you will have those little neighbors. Also, little L girl is the very cutest of the ducklings!
I hope you are doing well.
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