Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm a slacker

I know, I know I've been slacking at blogging. The problem: I haven't taken any pictures. And I didn't want to post without any pictures. But here are some amazing pictures my amazing friend (can I say amazing enough?) Amy took on Fourth of July (which, by the way, was the most fabulous and fun filled day). And, yes, I know my kids aren't extremely clean in these pictures but thats what happens when they have a ridiculous amount of fun. FYI, Dirty Kids = Entertained and "Go to Bed Easy" Kids. And for those of you who care this is what I did last week minus pictures: We went to Busch Gardens. We went to the beach. I ran my third 5k this summer. My friend Karen and her two kids came up and visited. We went to the beach, again. I had a great Sunday, which is a miracle because all my Sundays for the past month have been emotional and physical CRAZINESS! This week: I'm planning a lesson for RS - which I totally stress about, everytime I have to do one. I'm getting ready for Laura, my sis, and her fam to move down here on Thursday and they will stay with me for a week before they move into their new house - 15 minutes away (YAY!). Looking forward to Breaking Dawn coming out on Saturday where me and some gals will be celebrating by going out to lunch. And of course, I will be going to the beach.


{amy k.} said...

so fun... I'm glad you liked the pictures! Sorry the lighting wasn't too good in some of them. Your kids are so darn cute!

{amy k.} said...

oh yeah, and I'm SO happy to hear you had a good Sunday! :)

{amy k.} said...

haha me again.... the beach would be great. But I've been kinda sick this week so I think I'll have to pass this time around, let me know next time- I'd totally love to go!

Emily Gillrie said...

By the way your lesson was awesome.


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