I know, I know I've been slacking at blogging. The problem: I haven't taken any pictures. And I didn't want to post without any pictures. But here are some amazing pictures my amazing friend (can I say amazing enough?)
Amy took on Fourth of July (which, by the way, was the most fabulous and fun filled day). And, yes, I know my kids aren't extremely clean in these pictures but thats what happens when they have a ridiculous amount of fun. FYI, Dirty Kids = Entertained and "Go to Bed Easy" Kids.
And for those of you who care this is what I did last week minus pictures: We went to Busch Gardens. We went to the beach. I ran my third 5k this summer. My friend
Karen and her two kids came up and visited. We went to the beach, again. I had a great Sunday, which is a miracle because all my Sundays for the past month have been emotional and physical CRAZINESS! This week: I'm planning a lesson for RS - which I totally stress about, everytime I have to do one. I'm getting ready for Laura, my sis, and her fam to move down here on Thursday and they will stay with me for a week before they move into their new house - 15 minutes away (YAY!). Looking forward to
Breaking Dawn coming out on Saturday where me and some gals will be celebrating by going out to lunch. And of course, I will be going to the beach.
so fun... I'm glad you liked the pictures! Sorry the lighting wasn't too good in some of them. Your kids are so darn cute!
oh yeah, and I'm SO happy to hear you had a good Sunday! :)
haha me again.... the beach would be great. But I've been kinda sick this week so I think I'll have to pass this time around, let me know next time- I'd totally love to go!
By the way your lesson was awesome.
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