Last week I went to upstate NY for my oldest brother's engagement party. His
fiance's family lives up there and they had a big
soiree for everyone up there who might not be able to attend the wedding down here. And while I'm on the subject, his fiancee is so amazing. I'm so excited for them and the day when she is officially part of our family. This is the pair of them with her parents, who are also, of course, amazing people.

So, I caught a 10 am flight on Saturday and was back at home the next day at 7 pm, Sunday. Just enough time to meet up with my sisters, who drove all the way from SC and VA, go to the party, sleep and then catch my returning flight home. A lot of great things happened on the trip, though. I got this fabulous pictures of my and my siblings, minus my younger brother who lives too far away :(.

I was able to spend a lot of time with my
nieces and nephews.

Aaron took me and the older kids on a tour of the woods behind
Claud's house where there was an
Indian burial ground ... so cool, but too creepy to take any pictures of the actual graves - isn't that off limits?.

AND, on the returning flight they bumped me to a later flight (
I was supposed to get home at 3 pm) and gave me a free round trip ticket and I got to sit in first class on the way home AND it gave me just enough time to complete my book. Overall a fantastic trip. I missed my kids and wished they were there but I also enjoyed the longest time I'd ever been away from them. The biggest thanks to Laura, Debbie, Anna, and Brandon for keeping my kids alive - you guys are the best! So anyone have any ideas where I should go for a REAL getaway!?