Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

To the World's Greatest Dad!

My dad has always been a a great teacher, and has been the best example of how to be a great parent and missionary. Not to mention he's the funniest guy alive. I love him so much and I'm excited for him and my mom to get back from Portugal in just a couple of months. Love you, Dad!

Rabbits are nice

Our amazing and incredible Carrie moved to TX a couple of weeks ago and life has been so boring since she's been gone. We miss her and still pretend she's going to be back. She was such a big help. She would watch the kids and not just watch them but played and had fun with them.(Jackson is so bugged that I'm interupting his time with Carrie.)

She likes all the best TV shows and would come over and watch all the best, and sometimes scary, shows with me even when she had to go back home to her empty scary house and wake up and go to work at 5. She was the best houseguest when she stayed for a week - helped cook and clean, and helped, again, watch the kids. So I knew I would never be able to replace her but we needed something to get us out of the funk of her leaving. So we got a bunny. Its no Carrie but it helps that there something at our house that's entertaining. The kids LOVE Pepper... and for now its a good distraction while everybody seems to be moving away.

We won!

My friend and I entered a 5K race last week (my first one). Okay, so we didn't get first place but we won because we did it and that make us winners. We're doing a bunch of races during the summer and hopefully we'll improve by the end of the summer and become Olympic track stars. I finished 8 minutes after my friend, Laura, who really is a track star. I'm sure most of you have heard of her because of her mad skills. I was just happy that I was able to run the whole thing and not die or, even worse, puke.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Quick Trip

I know people usually create travel blogs of super amazing trips to exotic places but I thought you might want to read about my mini excursion to Bluffton, SC, which is the mainland city of Hilton Head Island. It was my oldest sister's and her daughter's (my niece's) birthdays this week. So Tuesday I decided I'd pack up the kids and drive the 5 1/2 hour drive to see her on Thursday. It was spur of the moment, yes, but I had no time to psych myself out of it. We just went. I'm so glad we did we had a blast! The day we got there, again, which was Thursday, we went to this brand new indoor play center, which is just what my kids needed after being in the car the WHOLE time (I never got them out - we just drove and drove). Then we met up with my brother in law and went out to dinner. We hardly ever go out to eat, not that I don't love too, because I do ... just because me by myself taking two kids under 4 out to dinner alone just isn't that fun. So going out to eat is really fun and my kids loved it. Lilly especially LOVED dessert. Then we came home and sang Happy Birthday, and ate cake, and crashed. On Friday morning, we went to their community pool for a couple hours came home to eat lunch then spent the rest of the day out at a beach on Hilton Head. It was a perfect day, and I had never seen my kids so entertained. Everywhere we went there were kids to play with and usually there was another Jackson, which I'm determined is the most popular name for boys in Hilton Head, SC). I'm sorry I didn't take any pictures on this day but we did come home and eat this "Monster Pizza" which motivated me to whip out the cam. Saturday we woke up and headed home. And by the time I got home I never wanted to get in the car again but I'm fine today. I'd have to say I'm really glad we went and I'm really glad my sister lives in such a fun place. Here is a picture of my sisters girls and my kids right before we left.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Party Time

Jackson "graduated" from his YMCA preschool class last Thursday. They had a water park party for all the preschoolers and ate pizza, too. We will miss Ms. Brenda. I was so impressed with all the crafts they did each day. I highly recomend the Y's preschool program. Most of his class members are staying at the preschool for one more year (that's as high as it goes) but we were able to get Jackson in at a different school where he can go for the next two years till he goes to kindergarden.
I will miss having 2-3 hours every Tuesday and Thursday to do all my miscellaneous shopping but at this point Jackson's so much easier to take to the store than Lilly is, he actually helps set a good example.
On Saturday, we drove down to Chuck E. Cheese for my niece's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. We had a lot of fun but EVERYTIME we go to "Chucky's" Jackson gets sick the day after. I don't know if its the food or the excitement or that there's 200 kids that never wash their hands in a 20 x 20 room but Jackson always ends up here...
It worked out since it was Sunday, we needed a day of rest.

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