Sunday, November 23, 2008

11/21 = Very Fun, Very Long Day

Friday, aka Jackson's birthday, aka L and B's sealing, aka release of Twilight. I didn't think I could do it but it has been done. Starting at 7 am with this ...

Then we went to the "jumpy" place (i.e. big indoor inflatable moonwalk type apparatus's place) with cousins Tate and Tanner.
Lilly dominated at air hockey.Then headed to fancy McDonald's for lunch and a few presents.

From there I went to Orlando for L & B's wedding (sorry no pictures, yet). Drove home, wished Jackson another Happy Birthday, and put him to bed. Then off with friends to see Twilight, which was the worst movie I have ever seen...loved the books, not the movie. I went to bed around 2 am. Surprisingly, I wasn't too tired. It WAS long but it was very fun and even though it was 2 am I was extremely happy and felt amazingly good ... and then came Saturday. To be continued...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday, Jackson!

Friday is the day! Some of Jackson's favorite things to do: Build with Legos, draw/color pictures of his family, swing, take walks on nature trails and he loves to open letters. He is my little man! We love you, Jackson!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

School Pictures

I LOVE school pictures. This is Jackson's preschool picture from last year.
I really do love this picture of Jackson. There are somethings I find a little humorous...a) they didn't give us a choice on the background and I have know idea who came up with the idea that this is a scene all parents want to see their children in. B) I'm not sure who the center of this picture is, Jackson or the friendly little chipmunk and his woodland gang. C) I'm curious to what they said to get Jackson to pose like this. Maybe something along the lines of "Okay now imagine your riding a motorcycle by this pond.."?? It wasn't the school picture I had in mind but I love that Jackson's cute in it and that it makes me laugh.
Moving along to this years school pictures. Note: I didn't buy this years pictures so you just get the proof.
Again, Jackson is perfect but what is going on with his arms? Who are posing these kids? And just like last year, I didn't get to see what the background was going to be till I got these proofs. Paint splatters with a ladder ... paint splatters with a ladder ... why did that feel so 1990s to me and so familiar?... Oh yeah ...
Apparently "paint splatters with a ladder" is timeless.

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