Thursday, May 15, 2008


Many people have witnessed it. We're having a nice dinner and then you look over at Jackson and see this...
And no he's not in mid-blink, he is out cold.


Laura said...

This is too funny!! Does this happen often?

. said...

I love your kids!!! They are soooo cute!!!! I especially love Jackson in all of his interesting outfits. He is such a cutie!

Suzanne said...

(This happens only like once every few months.)

{amy k.} said...

oh poor guy- I know the feeling! So cute!

Lisa said...

I love it when Tyson falls asleep during family prayer, it makes putting him to bed so much easier :0) Dinner would be a little more interesting. I love your pictures! My kids are the same way with their outfits; Tyson fights to stay in his jammies all day, and Kaylee has to be a princess of course. I can't blame the kids though, some days I don't even get out of my p.j.s


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