Monday, February 1, 2010


I LOVE looking at pictures, particularly of people. It doesn't matter whether or not that I know them. If there is a photo album or scrapbook in my sight, I will ask to look through it.

I just recently found a photographer that I love. Her name is Rachel Thurston. Check out her website. I absolutely love Lisa and Rodney's wedding which was featured in Real Simple Weddings magazine. I actually found her by google-ing my friends trying to find their blog that I simple can't remember the name of. I never found their blog (Lisa if you read this, please email me your link) but I did find this talented photog.

So who's your favorite photographer? Or maybe you shouldn't tell me. I need to go to bed earlier.

1 comment:

Lu and Bran Muffin said...

i loved my photographer--sorry if that sounds boastful, but--i sort of am. lol. limelight photography. there website is


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