Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Jackson just finished up his first soccer season with his team the Cheetahs (yes, they were that fast). He had a great (meaning very patient) coach. I'm so impressed with these guys who spend their Saturdays coaching three and four year olds!
Jackson is a great soccer player! He hardly ever asked for break and stayed with the ball the whole game. He was a great defensive and offensive player and scored on average about one goal per game. I think I had just as much fun watching him play as he did playing. Jackson's favorite parts of soccer: putting his uniform on every week (especially his shin guards), scoring goals, and he LOVED getting a trophy at the end of the season.


Super B said...

Those pictures are so cute. I am glad he had so much fun!!

Lu and Bran Muffin said...

Soccer is awesome! good sport to put him in! Brandon is so gay and calls it a "commi sport!" Little does he know our kids will be allstars!! love u and jackson & Lilly!


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