Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Breaking Dawn Post

I went and picked "the book" up on Saturday afternoon and some of us went out to Mimi's Cafe - which has the best muffin's by the way. After a crazy weekend I think I'm actually going to get to start reading it tonight.


Ashli Miller said...

I'm sorry I'm so far away and couldn't come to the Breaking Dawn lunch. I have only read about 20 pages and I'm already so sucked in!

Catherine said...

Yay!!! Thank you, I want copies of the pics please, since you were prepared, unlike me.

lisa said...

Wow, when you update your blog you go to town on it! Either that or I haven't been checking as often as I should. I can't help it, every night after the kids are put to bed I immediately pick up the book I'm reading and don't stop until almost midnight. As result, my own blog page is lacking. Is it just me or is your life always full of fun things?

Anne said...

This looks like so much fun, wish I was there with you gals. I'm on page 300 and I've got the neglected kids and trashed house to prove it.

Lisa said...

Alright chica, I know there are lots of fun things going on in your life. I keep checking, hoping to see how you are doing, but I don't see an updated post: what gives?:0)

Leah W said...

Suzanne I must admit i am a little in love with the twilight series too....I wish i could have been there! It's a weir phenomenon...I was totally embarrassed to read them but COULD NOT PUT THEM DOWN!!


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