Sunday, April 27, 2008

How will my garden grow?

Being a blogger isn't the only thing I've decided to do. I've finally planted/created a garden. So I know it doesn't look like much, it's not. And I know it's all wrong, I'm sure it is. But the kids and I our having a lot of fun attempting to grow watermelon, green beans, carrots, and corn. And I know its way too late for strawberries but thats what those two plants are in the garden. We are so excited to see what our garden will grow!


Anonymous said...
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Super B said...

Hey Suze! I am glad you are back to blogging! You did look really good at the Dicksons. I am not kidding. I hope you are doing well.

{amy k.} said...

Love the garden... so cute! Your kids are getting so big! I'm so glad to be able to stalk your blog now- so fun!


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